Cameron Swords, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
CV: See BelowEmail: cameron . swords [at] gmail . com
Github: cgswords
Blog: cgswords.github.io
Current Projects
Medusa.I am currently exploring the notion of a statically session-typed, multi-process language, utilizing processes and process interactions as the primary effect to develop effect-as-processes.
A Unified Characterization of Runtime Verification Systems as Patterns of Communication.Cameron Swords.
Dissertation, Indiana University, 2019.
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An Extended Account of Contract Monitoring Strategies as Patterns of Communication.
Cameron Swords, Amr Sabry, and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt.
Journal of Functional Programming, 2018.
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Big Types in Little Runtime: Open World Soundness and Collaborative Blame for Gradual Type System.
Michael M. Vitousek, Cameron Swords, Jeremy G. Siek.
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2017.
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Two Advances in the Implementations of Extended Syllogistic Logics.
Jason Hemann, Cameron Swords, and Lawrence Moss.
Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Automated Reasoning, 2015.
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Expressing Contract Monitors as Patterns of Communication.
Cameron Swords, Amr Sabry, and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt.
International Conference on Functional Programming, 2015.
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rKanren: Guided Search in miniKanren.
Cameron Swords and Daniel P. Friedman.
Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop, 2013.
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Extensible Effects.
Oleg Kiselyov, Amr Sabry, and Cameron Swords.
Haskell Symposium, 2013.
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Lock-Graph: A Tree-Based Locking Method for Parallel Collision Handling with Diverse Particle Populations.
Mark Lewis and Cameron Swords.
Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2011.
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Technical Reports and Drafts
Monads a la Mode.Cameron Swords, Daniel P. Friedman.
Draft, Spring 2012.
Ph.D. in Computer ScienceIndiana University. Bloomington, Indiana, 2019.
Research committee: Amr Sabry (chair), Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Jeremy Siek, Lawrence S. Moss.
Dissertation: A Unified Characterization of Runtime Verification Systems as Patterns of Communication
Master of Science in Computer Science
Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana, 2016.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (with honors)
Trinity University. San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Undergraduate Thesis: Pocketwatch: A Parallel Langauge
Service & Activities
External ReviewerPEPM 2014, COMLAN 2016
External Subreviewer
ICFP 2016, POPL 2017
PL Wonks, the PL research group at Indiana University (2013-2017).